Tuesday, June 26, 2007


My most amazing experience I've ever had in my life, was during my ZERO-G training! The stunts we were able to do were just mind boggling and no words can express the sensations I felt...!! My parabolic flight on June 9, I was able to float in mid-air with my hair standing on end, do slow motion acrobatic somersaults, eat floating M&Ms, drink floating blobs of water, crawl up the wall, onto the ceiling and crawl back down again like Spider Woman...!!

I could also zoom around like Superman or ricochet off the wall like a stray bullet...!! It was just amazing what we could do 'without' gravity. One thing we were not aware of was that the water still floating around the cabin, came splashing down onto our faces, when we hit gravity. Luckily, I was wearing my waterproof mascara!

I couldn't have survived all the stunts without my magic pill, specially formulated for motion sickness as designed by the NASA Doctors to prevent vomiting in the "Vomit Comet" during training. The pill gave me a few side effects, like drowsiness in the beginning, perky during training, thirsty and feeling tipsy by the end of the day. But the thirsty part was cured towards the end of our training by free flowing Champagne. We were all presented with our Zero Gravity Certification and had an awesome & tipsy celebration.

無重狀態訓練 在我一生人入面,最驚險的經驗就是這次無重狀態訓練。 我們做的所有驚險動作都令人極為驚訝,我的感覺簡直是「非筆墨所能形容」。6月9日,我進行了一連串的拋物線形的飛行動作,我在半空中飄浮、我的頭髮全都飄起來、我又好像一個雜技人一樣表演翻筋斗、吃飄浮著的朱古力豆、由牆壁爬上天花板,就好像蜘蛛俠的樣子。



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