Tuesday, June 26, 2007

the Space Shuttle

I just got back from my Zero-G training at the Kennedy Space Center in Orlando a few days ago. The second most amazing experience for me this trip, was to see the Space Shuttle, Atlantis, launch into space on June 8. It was a spectacular and unforgettable event to see Atlantis rocket into the sky and leave a trail of cloud behind. The power behind the rocket was mind boggling too!! Have a Look!

數星期前,我在美國甘迺迪太空中心完成了無重狀態訓練。在這個旅程的第8天(6月8日),恰巧讓我遇上另一件驚喜的事情,就是看太空穿梭機 - 阿特蘭提斯號升空。驚動一時、場面壯觀的場面令我一生難忘。當穿梭機升空的時候,天空留下一條長長的雲霞軌跡。穿梭機的力量亦是令人極為驚訝的﹗觀看片段﹗

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