Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Buddy - Lucy Hawkings

During my ZERO-G training, I was teamed up with Steve Hawkings' daughter, Lucy Hawkings. Her father, Steve Hawkings, a renowned Scientist, famous for discovering the 'Black Hole' also had the opportunity to experience Zero-G at the Kennedy Space Center in April '07, with his team of doctors. As we all know, Hawkings came to visit HK last year and lectured at the University of Science & Technology through his computerized voice dialogue. Donald Tsang even presented him with an award and his daughter, Lucy, accepted the award on his behalf. They were televised on TV and given the VIP treatment. Steve and Lucy Hawkings will tour Japan & Korea next year and probably drop by HK again. Lucy told me that her father would answer any questions presented to him as long as he was given sufficient time to prepare and record his answers through the voice dialogue...so get your questions ready!! Sir Richard Branson has also reserved a Virgin Galactic seat for Hawkings. Hopefully, Space Ship II will be ready for take off in 2009.

在無重狀態訓練期間,我被編排與史蒂芬‧霍金的女兒 - Lucy 一組。她的父親是一位著名的科學家,他就是發現黑洞的人,亦在2007年4月於甘迺迪太空中心與他的醫生們感受過無重狀態。眾所周知,去年這位科學家曾經來到香港,並於香港科技大學利用他的電腦儀器進行演說。行政長官曾蔭權亦向他和他的女兒頒贈獎項。各大傳媒紛紛報導他們的消息,亦接受眾人的貴賓款待。霍金和他的女兒將會於明年前往韓國及日本,更可能會在香港短暫停留。Lucy告訴我,只需要有足夠時間讓她的父親利用電腦儀器準備和記錄答案,他一定會回答所有對他的提問,所以你們要盡快準備一些問題了﹗布蘭森爵士預留了座位給霍金他們二人,希望太空船二號可以在2009年預備升空﹗

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