Thursday, April 19, 2007

Detox Day 1 排毒第一天

Fit for Space - Day 1

I have just started my 9-Day Detox & Burn Fat Program using our Organic Vision products.... guaranteed to lose 5-15lbs in 9 days!! I am on my 2nd day today and I have already lost 2lbs of TOXIN. Toxin buildup sticks to our fat cells and this needs to be got rid of, before we can successfully lose weight in the long run, in a healthy way!My cemetery workout will commence after my 9-Day soon as I shed a few lbs of toxin and blubber. Can you imagine carrying 30lbs of pork belly, jogging up and down the cemetery??? I can. Hope I haven't spoilt all your appetites...hehe!!

太空旅程前 - 排毒第一天

我剛剛開始使用機匯的「九日排毒燒脂」套裝…保證於9日內減去5至15磅!! 雖然今天只是排毒過程的第二天,但我已經減去2磅的毒素。告訴大家,當我們成功減磅、回復健康體魄之前,體內的毒素和脂肪細胞往往會粘在一起,這正正就是致肥的原因。

九日排毒後,我將會擺脫幾磅毒素和淚水。(以後不需再為肥胖流淚了!!) 我要跟「肥胖」說ByeBye了﹗您能夠想像一個人拿著30磅的豬腩肉在墓地裡走上走下的感覺嗎﹖我就絕對可以。希望我這樣說沒有妨礙到您的嗜好吧…嘻嘻!!


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