Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dear friends from all over the world

Dear friends from all over the world:

Last year I met Sir Richard Branson in HK. He came here to launch his Virgin Atlantic flight to Beijing and I was lucky to be invited. I walked up to him and introduced myself as one of the first female pilots from HK and he immediately asked me if I wanted to be the first female "Astronaut" from HK? Of course I said "YESSSSS!!!" I have been chosen by Sir Richard to become the 1st HK Founder of Virgin Galactic.

Sir Richard invited 14 of the Founder Astronauts to join him for a week on his private island in the Caribbean called Necker Island, to get bonded and brainstorm on future 'space tourism.' He is a very down to earth, intelligent, humble, intuitive and visionary guy. He is a mentor for all ages...ie...we should all learn from him.

My younger sister, Afreen, has set up this website and a blog to follow my progress in getting fit for 'Space.' She also went with me to Sir Richard Branson's Private Island last November and December doing a documentary on my future space travel.

I am going to start my astronaut training soon. But first of all, I have to start with detoxing my body, using our own Organic Vision products (www.organicvision.net), losing excess weight and exercising to get fit. I will go for my Zero-G training in August this year at the Kennedy Space Center in Orlando. All the other types of astronaut training will continue to follow. Our Virgin Galactic SpaceShip Two is scheduled to launch in early 2009.




我即將要展開太空訓練,首先我需要為自己的身體排毒。我們機智匯集有限公司(www.organicvision.net )的有機產品可以幫助我減去多餘脂肪,建立理想體重。我將會前往奧蘭多的甘迺迪太空中心參加 Zero-G 訓練,其他太空訓練亦將會陸續開始。創會隊伍定於2009年年頭,乘坐太空船二號升空。


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